Artist, Lighting Choreographer.
Born in 1983, Fujimoto Minoru performed as a dancer while undertaking PhD research into wearable computing at Kobe University. After a stint teaching at Tokyo University of Technology, he founded MPLUSPLUS in 2013. Harnessing his own experience as a dancer, the group puts on stage events and develops systems that enable new kinds of live performance. He was responsible for choreographing the lighting for the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games opening ceremony. In 2022, he appeared on America’s Got Talent as both a director and performer. In 2023, he hosted a media art exhibition titled “Embodiment++” by MPLUSPLUS at CCBT. Starting in April 2024, he will serve as a visiting associate professor in the Department of Design Informatics, College of Art and Design at Musashino Art University.
1983年生まれ。自身もダンサーとしてパフォーマンスを行い、神戸大学大学院博士課程にてウェアラブルコンピューティングを研究。東京工科大学での教員経験を経て、2013 年にMPLUSPLUS株式会社を設立。自らがダンサーであるという特徴を活かし、ライブパフォーマンスにおいて新しい表現を可能とするシステム開発・舞台演出を行っている。東京2020パラリンピック開会式に「光の振付師」として参加。2022年にはディレクター兼パフォーマーとしてAmerica’s Got Talentに出演。2023年には、CCBTにてMPLUSPLUS「Embodiment++」を開催。2024年4月より武蔵野美術大学造形学部デザイン情報学科客員准教授。
Related Projects
While working as a media artist, Minoru Fujimoto is also the CEO of MPLUSPLUS, a collective of technology and creators, and the director of the technology dance crew “MPLUSPLUS DANCERS”.
MPLUSPLUS is a crew of stage technologists who is here to innovate the common sense of entertainment. The etymology of our company name comes from the letter “m” of make – the starting point of all craftsmanship, together with the programing increment symbol “++” which means “innovation”, much like our desire to aim higher from here on out. Take a look at our company logo. The left side resembles the circuit symbol of electrical resistance, while the right side resembles the circuit symbol of direct current. The meaning behind our logo represents our thought and intentions of “Resisting present-day culture and surpassing common sense”, as well as “Constantly innovating culture”. We – mplusplus – will revamp any space into a stage of entertainment and continue to create new excitement with the power of technology.
“Innovating dance conventions with technology”
Approaching sound at speed humans cannot react. Visual expressions which augment the human body. During time, various types of dance and techniques have emerged, but it can evolve even more with state of the art technology. M++ DANCERS are the one and only technology dance crew that blends in-house developed technology with dance.
人が反応できない速度での音へのアプローチや、人体を拡張した視覚的表現。時代と共に様々なジャンルや技が誕生してきたダンスは、現代のテクノロジーで更に進化できるはず。M++ DANCERSは、自社開発の技術とダンスとを融合させた、唯一無二のテクノロジーダンスクルーです。
Selected Exhibitions & Performances
MPLUSPLUS “Embodiment++”(Civic Creative Base Tokyo, Tokyo), 2023
America’s Got Talent Season 17 – Semi-finalist(NBC, LA), 2022
Tokyo Designers Week 2012(Meiji-Jingu Gaien (Central Venue), Tokyo), 2012
Exhibition Of The 16th Student CG Contest in The 14th Japan Media Art Festival(The National Art Center, Tokyo), 2011
Dance Exhibition Room(The old Kobe municipal Raw Silk Conditioning Houses, Kobe), 2010
Ars Electronica Festival 2010(Tabakfabrik Linz, Linz), 2010
18th International Collegiate Virtual Reality Contest(National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, Tokyo), 2010
The 1300th Anniversary of Nara Heijyo-kyo Capital Event Stage(Nara Heijyo-kyo Capital, Nara), 2010
Kobe Luminarie Stage Performance(Kobe Luminarie Event Stage, Kobe), 2006 – 2010
International Conferences
Minoru FUJIMOTO, Tsutomu TERADA, and Masahiko TSUKAMOTO, “A Dance Training System that Maps Self-Images onto an Instruction Video,” Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI 2012), pp. 309–314 (Jan. 2012).
Minoru FUJIMOTO, Naotaka FUJITA, Tsutomu TERADA, and Masahiko TSUKAMOTO, “Lighting Choreographer: an LED Control System for Dance Performances,” Proc. of the 13th ACM international Conference Adjunct Papers on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp2011),(Sep 2011).
Minoru FUJIMOTO, Naotaka FUJITA, Yoshinari TAKEGAWA, Tsutomu TERADA, and Masahiko TSUKAMOTO, “A Motion Recognition Method for a Wearable Dancing Musical Instrument,” Proc. of the 13th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC2009), pp. 11–18 (Sep 2009).
Minoru FUJIMOTO, Naotaka FUJITA, Yoshinari TAKEGAWA, Tsutomu TERADA, and Masahiko TSUKAMOTO, “Musical B-boying: a Wearable Musical Instrument by Dancing,” Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC2008), pp. 155–160 (Sep 2008).
Selected Awards
Asia Digital Art Award 2022 Interactive Art, Grand Prize, 2022
24th Japan Media Arts Festival Entertainment Division, Jury Selections, 2021
The 20th AMD Award/Digital Contents of the Year’14, The Naomi Enami Award, 2015
Tokyo Designers Week 2012, YOUNG CREATOR OF THE YEAR, 2012
Kobe University, President Award, 2012
Ubicomp 2011, Best Video Award, 2011
NHK DIGISTA TEENS “Dance Movie Contest”, Grand Prize, 2011
Asia Digital Art Award 2010 Interactive Art, Grand Prize, 2010
The 16th student’s CG contest Interactive Category, Entertainment Award, 2010
The Super Creator certification by METI(IPA), 2010
Dance Complex 2010, Judge’s Special Award and Director’s Special Award, 2010
DICOMO 2009, Excellent Paper Award, 2009
Street Dance Contest for college students “BIG BANG!! OSAKA”, Special Prize, 2006
Street Dance Contest “JACKPOT”, 3rd Prize, 2006
Street Dance Contest for college students “FUSION”, Grand Prize, 2005